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The European Community And LIFE Projects

The European Community and LIFE projects

Through the LIFE programme, the European Commission funds member states in order to start projects that safeguard nature, the environment and biodiversity.

The Park's projects

The park has been successfully participating in LIFE’s projects for years, and the technicians that follow them have made a lot of experience on environmental matters through the years; experience that continues to serve them well in their daily work.

Target Species

The Ticino’s park represents a key area for biodiversity in Northern Italy, the Mediterranean and the Alps. Nowadays it’s the most important ecologic corridor capable to link Appennines and Alps, allowing many species to move to the north or south. The project to preserve and improve this function has identified 15 target species that belong to different faunal groups, from insects, to vertebrates…

Animal Kingdom
Mushroom kingdom
Plant kingdom
Hectares involved in the project
Il Life Ticino Biosource

The naturalness of an ecosystem depends from the full expression of the potential habitats and faunal/floristic alike: this expression, which means the biodiversity, is determined by the number of species compared to the native ones in that geographical area, as well as by the health condition of the relative populations.

LIFE15 NAT/IT/000989

In fact, the enrichment of biodiversity inside the Park of Ticino is the main goal of the project LIFE Biosource.


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