D8 – Evaluation of the socio-economic impact of conservation actions – IN PROGRESS


The activity is in progress. Often limited to contact through social media. During the checks of the submerged areas with water meadows, the questionnaire was administered to the farmers.


In this second year of activity, a number of over 100 questionnaires were collected from different groups of recipients / stakeholders, including: those attending the course on butterflies organized as part of the project and participants in dissemination events organized by the Ticino Park or by other local authorities in the Park area. The questionnaire were also prepared to be distributed to the children who will be involved in the teaching activity envisaged with E1 and which will be started in schools in the third year. The children will also be given a copy of a questionnaire to be filled out by a parent and returned at the time of the lesson in the field. An online version of the questionnaire is also being developed and will be launched on the project facebook page before the end of 2018.


The action was started early in January 2017 in order to collect data in the period prior to conservation actions. In a first phase, the interview questionnaires were developed, conceived in different versions, according to the target of the investigation. In fact, 4 distinct reference populations have been defined: 1. recreational fishermen active in the Park; 2. farmers active in the Park area; 3. Visitors to park centers; 4. The pupils, recipients of the didactic activities. A questionnaire was drawn up for each reference population. The questionnaire was then subjected to an in-house pretest and was therefore optimized. The dissemination phase of the questionnaires began in February. The former were distributed and compiled on the occasion of the last lesson carried out under the action A5. To date, the first 15 questionnaires have been completed by amateur fishermen.

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