D6 – Monitoring the efficacy of action C7 – CONCLUDED


The activities ended on 31/10/2020 and the final reports are being prepared.


During an overnight monitoring in 2019, an adult of A. naccarii was identified.

No problems arose and the activity continues regularly.


In 2018:

  1. 8 monitoring campaigns were carried out by daytime electric fishing;
  2. Four companions of night observation practiced by boat were made.

The results of the monitoring, in summary, reveal the presence in the stretch of a fish community composed of at least 11 native species (including only one of Community interest: Barbus plebejus), the majority of which are not very abundant or even present in a scarce or occasional manner.

To these are added an equal number of exotic species, among which the most abundant species are torpedo, barbel (indicated with Barbus sp) and bitter rodeo.

With these campaigns it was possible to calibrate the methods of conducting direct observations and monitoring campaigns with electro-fishing along the stretch, in order to facilitate the comparison of the results with those of subsequent monitoring campaigns, for the purpose above all of evaluating the effectiveness of the deterrent action of the torpedo.

The picture of the fish fauna present in the stretch of interest also includes the data relating to the reports, collected with Action C7, of sturgeons caught alive and then released by amateur fishermen or sturgeons found dead, whose data have been recorded and mapped.

The action will be continued in the next two years, with the aim of also being able to perform the behavioral analyzes envisaged on the torpedo and sturgeon and which we have not yet been able to carry out


The action started regularly in April 2017 with a bibliographic research activity and review of the experiences already carried out locally, relating to the techniques and methods currently tested and used for the monitoring of wild sturgeon populations and of the whole fish community, in order to define the best applicable sampling protocol. The first field trips are also being planned, which will have a calibration and standardization function for the sampling protocol developed in this first phase.

To date, assignment activities have been carried out for monitoring for underwater observation, definition, following inspections, of the sampling designs and preparation of the detection sheets for the electric fishing and for direct night and visual observation underwater census, First electro-fishing campaigns to check the status of the fish community.

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