D5 – Monitoring the efficacy of actions C1 (vegetational and floristic aspects) and C5 – IN PROGRESS


Monitoring is currently suspended and will resume in spring 2021.


Monitoring is in its third year, which corresponds to the second year of monitoring in the Geraci area and the first year of post-operam monitoring in the Bernate Ticino area.


Monitoring takes place in the Motta Visconti and Bernate Ticino sites where actions C1 and C5 are carried out. The main purpose of this monitoring is to verify the success of the creation and / or requalification of the habitats of community interest realized with the two actions: 91F0; 91E0*.

The monitoring activity is ante operam of the forestry operations planned for the Bernate Ticino area and instead is post operam for the I Geraci area.

In the Geraci site, Motta Visconti (ZSC IT2010014), the following were created: 10 transepts (G01-G10), n 5 surveys in woods to be redeveloped (Gb1-Gb5) and n. 5 surveys in forest plants to be built (Gi1-Gi5).

In the Bernate Ticino site (ZSC IT2080002) the following were created: 10 transepts (B01-B10); n. 5 surveys in private gardens to be redeveloped (Bg1-Bg5) and n. 5 surveys in woods to be redeveloped (Bb1-Bb5).

The floristic transepts were located along the transit routes within the two monitoring areas. The purpose of these surveys is to detect the effects of the disturbance caused by the passage of the means that will be used in the works envisaged by the project and promptly detect the presence of any new species of exotic plants or indicators of conditions of departure from naturalness. In the I Geraci site, the transepts named G04, G06 and G07 were located along the access roads within artificial poplar groves. Following the execution of forest planting interventions (2018), the road network has been slightly modified, also following a modest landslide (G06). These three transepts were then relocated exactly along the remaining access routes or roughly moved parallel by a few meters.

The indicators used are: the complexity and organization of the territorial mosaic (present habitats and geospatial attributes); floristic and vegetation heritage (indicator species and type of vegetation); forest heritage (structure).


The action, which began in April 2017, aims to verify the success of the creation and / or requalification of the habitats of Community interest created with Actions C1 and C5 (91F0 – Mixed forests sheltering large rivers in Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia (Ulmenion Minoris) and 91E0 * – alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae).

So far, the assignment activities have been carried out for a botanist that ended with determines no. 198 of 22 June 2017 and start of monitoring activities.

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