About this LIFE BIOSOURCE project, most of the efforts are in favour of the schools of the territory of the Parco.

These efforts are educational proposals in order to teach and show various activities bound to the Parco’s animals and trees’ ecology.

This project is about both in-class study and educational outputs so the primary school kids can learn about what LIFE does to protect their different species using recreational activities.

To develop this part of the project is necessary to create teaching materials so that this LIFE BIOSOURCE journey can become an useful tool and an awesome travel diary for both students and teachers, who will be led by out environmental guides, who will show how our Parco has become an institution which can protect and develop every eco system on its territory.

All of this is free and will end with a big party, follone by an exhibition of the class work during the project because the idea of the Parco behind this project is to give to the kids and the teachers food for thought, so that they can find by themselves the motivation to protect the eco system and the environment that sorrounds them.

On this same page you will find how this activities work out, often updated by the same kids who are part of the project.

To get some more information please call 0297210204 or send a mail to fauna@parcoticino.it

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